Register for Membership Online!
Membership Registration

Membership Registration Forms

Thank you for registering! We are happy to have you along as a member of our club. Please fill out the form below, and you will be presented with the option to pay now via paypal, or pay in person at a later time. We are happy to provide our members the convenience of paying online. However, due to processing fees, we are required to charge an extra $5.00 to our annual membership fee to cover these costs. We have waived the online registration processing fee for 2024.  Come run with us!

Annual Membership Rates for 2024 (January 1 to December 31): $20

If you have any questions at all, we'd be happy to answer them.  Just contact us here.

You can use the following form to register easily online!. Simply fill in the following fields with your pertinent details, then click register.

Contact Info

Emergency Contact Info

Optional Info

Waiver of liability

In consideration of your accepting this membership application I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, herby for myself, my family, my heirs, executers and administrators, forever waive, release and discharge any and all rights and claims for damages and causes of suit or action, that I may at any time have against the Society “Mad Hatters' Running Club”, Executive Board Members, Committee Persons, Club Officials, fellow members and volunteers and sponsors of the Club, for any and all injuries suffered by me as a result of participating in Club activities and events. I attest that I am physically fit, am aware of the dangers and precautions that must be taken when running in warm and cold conditions. I have consulted a Medical Doctor or Legal Advisor for a clear understanding of the meaning and intent of this waiver statement before signing below if any part was unclear to me.

Release of Personal Information

I give the Society “Mad Hatters' Running Club”. Permission to share my name and email address with members for personal use only on email updates and correspondence. Your personal information will never be given away, used or sold to any third party or used for any purposes other than Mad Hatters' Running Club business or communication. We respect your privacy!

Payment Options

New members are not required to pay online, and may pay in person by cheque or cash. Once you've submitted the registration form, we request you arrange payment in person within 7 days.


Your email address is used as proof of identity. Upon registration, you will be contacted by a member of the club to welcome you to the club, verify your intent to register, and to provide any information or answer any questions you have.

Joining is easy. Being a member is fun!
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